Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Soy - Panacea or Poison?

Soy "stops cancer and baldness" (1)

"Soy foods can stimulate the growth of oestrogen-dependent tumours and cause thyroid problems." (7)

"Boosting your Soy intake could reduce your risk of breast cancer." (5)

"A British Government report concluded that there is little evidence that soy foods protect against breast cancer or any other forms of cancer. In fact, soy foods may result in an increased risk of cancer." (8)


This article on soy will examine the following: - History of the humble soy bean - It's role in the Asian diet - It's role in the western diet - where is it lurking - Critical questions regarding its safety - The guinea pigs

Soy Beginnings The soy plant was initially used as 'green manure' or a cover crop plowed under to enrich the soil, and it became known to the Chinese as 'the yellow jewel'. Soy did not become human food till late in the Chou Dynasty (1134-246 BC), after the Chinese developed a process of fermentation to make it into soy paste, called miso, with the run-off liquid called soy sauce. Tofu came after miso and in Japan, and China it was rarely served as a main course except in monasteries where it was eaten with miso or fish stock. Around 1000 A.D fermented soy foods, natto and tempeh entered the food supply. Modern soy products such as soy-protein isolate and concentrate made using highly processed methods were unknown in Asia till after World War II. Furthermore neither soy milk nor infant formula is traditional in Asia. The first person to manufacture soy milk was actually an American missionary and physician Harry Miller. "Claims that soybeans have been a major part of the Asian diet for more than 3,000 years, or 'time immemorial' are simply not true." (6)

Soy in the Asian diet According to a spokesman for Cancer Research UK "There's a lot of research that countries with a high intake of soy in their diet, such as Japan, tend to have lower rates of prostate cancer and some other types, with the active ingredients in soy thought to be isoflavones." (1). Sounds very compelling, however let's elaborate how much soy is actually in the Japanese and Asian diet. According to the soy industry's own figures Asians eat very little soy; around 9.3 to 36grams per day in China, Japan, Korea, Indonesia, and Taiwan. In comparison a cup of Tofu is 252grams, or soy milk 240 grams (6). More importantly the quality is hardly comparable, with the Asian countries generally eating their soy already fermented like miso soup, not as tofu, sausages or meat replacement foods. According to Sally Fallon from Weston A Price foundation (leading independent health group) approximately 65% of Japanese calories come from fish while in China the same percentage from Pork. So it is far from the backbone of their diet (8).

Soy in the Western diet Apart from the obvious where else is soy lurking? Research estimates that soy is present in 70% of all supermarket products and widely used in Fast Food chains. Soy is used to bulk out and bind many processed foods such as sausages, lasagne, beef burgers and chicken nuggets (food firms can then put a higher protein value on them). Even the husk is used for fibre in breads, cereals, and snacks. The big one is in vegetable oil- soy is the most consumed vegetable oil in the world and is used in margarines, salad dressings and cooking oils. Food labels simply list soy oil as vegetable oil As well as that 90% of the 200 million tonnes of soy produced annually is used to feed animals (3).

Soy and the Thyroid According to Mary Shomon editor of (9) "Soy products increase the risk of thyroid disease. And this danger is particularly great for infants on soy formula. . .More than 70 years of human, animal and laboratory studies show that soybeans put the thyroid at risk." Dr. Mike Fitzpatrick, an environmental scientist and phytoestrogen researcher who has conducted in-depth studies on soy, particularly the use of soy formulas published in the New Zealand Medical journal. Dr. Fitzpatrick makes it clear that soy products can have a detrimental affect on both adults and infants. In particular, he firmly believes that soy formula manufacturers should remove the isoflavones -- that part of the soy products that act as anti-thyroid agents -- from their products (2) How do researchers induce thyroid cancers in laboratory animals? They use thyroid-inhibiting foods like soy in combination with thyroid boosting drugs like Synthroid. (6) How much soy can impair thyroid problems? Perhaps as little as 30 mg or less than a glass of soy milk. (4)

Soy and reproduction Here is an interesting fact. Tofu is consumed by Buddhist monks to reduce libido. Humans and animals appear to be the most vulnerable to the effects of soy estrogens prenatally, during infancy and puberty, during pregnancy and lactation - all the major phases of hormonal shifts with growth and development. How powerful can soy be to the hormone system? One landmark study showed "that as little as 45mg of isoflavines could alter the length of a premenopausal woman's menstrual cycle." (4) Obviously it's harder to find a cause and effect relationship as there are many potentially triggers to hormonal imbalances and reproductive problems. However in animals this has been more thoroughly tested. According to Dr Mary Enig (world renowned lipid and hormone speCialist) female pigs can only ingest it in amounts no greater than 1% during lactation phase or face developmental problems in the piglets (8).

Soy and the environment Soy was previously considered a good source of protein which attracted vegetarians looking for meat alternatives. But it's a double whammy for environmental and health conscious vegetarians as the effect of soy farming on the environment is dramatic. It is predicted that 10,000 hectares of forest every year in Argentina (20 football fields an hour). If this continues at this rate in fives years time the country's native forests will have disappeared. Similar scenarios are being played out in Brazil, Paraguay and Bolivia all thanks to companies like the genetic engineering giant Monsanto. The World Wide Fund for Nature published a report recently calculating that 22 million hectares of forests and savannah in South America (an area the size of Great Britain) will be wiped out by 2020. Crops have also triggered soil erosion, and the widespread use of pesticides and chemicals are destroying some of the world's most delicate habitats. (3).

Soy Business Soy is traded as an international commodity, like oil and gold. It's a multi-billion dollar industry. "The reason there's so much soy in America is because they [the soy industry] started to plant soy to extract the oil from it and soy oil became a very large industry. Once they had as much oil as they did in the food supply they had a lot of soy protein residue left over, and since they can't feed it to animals, except in small amounts, they had to find another market." (2)

Conclusion So Soy's reputation as a health panacea is now badly blemished. It still has some supporters, but it is important to examine their background to ensure they are not just PR mouthpieces for a very powerful Soy industry. Big Soy, like big pharmaceutical, has been a powerful force shaping an attitude to nutrition and health. Given the mounting evidence that does not support Soy as a health food I believe we need to be very nervous about accepting big Soy spin as nutritional gospel.

Your 3d Coach

Craig Burton


1. BBC News 2004, Soy stops cancer and Baldness, 14/11/2004

2., Soy: Is it healthy or is it harmful

3. Anthony Barnett, The Observer, They hailed it a wonder food, 7/11/2004

4., Sean Carson, The shadow of Soy or, How I stopped loving and learned to worry about the bean

5., Soy Health benefits: why boosting your intake of soy could reduce your risk of breast cancer

6., Whole soy story: The dark side of America's favorite health food. Daniel, K, T

7. New Zealand Medical Journal (vol 113 Feb 11 2000) Soy Formulas and the effects of isoflavones on the thyroid.

8., Myths and Truths about soy food

9., Mary Shomon editor.

About the Author:

Craig Burton is the founder of 3d pts, a prominent European based holistic health and fitness coach with more than 15 years experience. He is a Sports Science graduate of Edith Cowan University and has postgraduate accreditations in nutrition, massage, athletic training, and corrective exercise therapy.

Craig is the author of "The 21 Day Roadmap to Health", available at

If you enjoyed this article, please feel free to forward it to others, just make sure that his name and URL are included. For more information and articles on health and fitness visit

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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Fibromyalgia and Hypothyroidism Medication Tips

Often found to simultaneously exist, hypothyroidism and fibromyalgia share many symptoms. Extreme fatigue, depression, muscle pain, cold body temperature and foggy thinking are the primary symptoms shared between these two conditions.

While experts have not yet agreed on the cause of fibromyalgia, some believe that like many cases of hypothyroidism, it is an autoimmune disorder. An underactive metabolism is a commonly suggested link between fibromyalgia and hypothyroidism.

Many people with fibromyalgia take thyroid medication for metabolism regulation. The difference between feeling good and not feeling good can be found in the following thyroid medication variables:

Taking the right prescription

Maximizing your medication's effectiveness

Taking the Right Prescription

The testing involved in thyroid evaluation and their subsequent prescriptions can vary greatly, depending on your doctor. The thyroid hormones identified by the medical community for most cases of thyroid dysfunction are thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), T3 and T4. The relationship between these substances is complex and continually being looked at and challenged. The "gold standard" of assessing thyroid function is measuring TSH. If this test is returned with a normal lab value, many physicians will cross hypothyroidism off the list of possible diagnoses.

If a TSH level is normal, yet all of the classic signs of hypothyroidism are established (hair falling out, headaches, weight gain, brittle nails, fatigue, cold body temperature, etc.), some informed doctors will probe further. According to respected integrative medicine speCialist, Eric Gordon, MD, the most accurate way to comprehensively assess thyroid health is to test TSH, free T3 and free T4 levels. It is typical for doctors to bypass the testing of free (not currently bound) T3 levels because the body converts it to T4. However, Gordon advises that without including the free T3 evaluation, there is no way to know if the body is doing this conversion properly. According to Gordon, "If you are exhibiting signs of low thyroid, your free T3 will be low despite your TSH being 'normal.' The TSH only shows what is going on in your hypothalamus, not in your liver or elsewhere in your body."

In times of stress, our bodies naturally manufacture reverse T3. In a healthy, properly-functioning body, once the stressor ends, the body stops making the reverse T3 and normal T4 conversion to T3 continues. However, some experts have observed individuals that continue to make reverse T3, initiating the symptoms of hypothyroidism.

With the possible variability involved in hypothyroidism, receiving the correct prescription is crucial to the person's recovery. Most people convert T3 into T4 effortlessly. These people may simply need to supplement with T4 (Synthroid). However, certain individuals may need both T4 with T3 or only T3 to achieve the ideal balance of thyroid hormone. Finding the right medication at the best dosage often requires repeat doctor visits and blood tests to refine your prescription. Working with your doctor to explore all of these options will help assure that you are taking the right medication at the best possible dosage.

Maximizing Your Medication's Effectiveness

A majority of us take daily supplements in conjunction with prescribed medications to sustain our health. A typical morning for people with fibromyalgia consists not just of breakfast, but also of vitamins, minerals, herbs and any prescribed medications. Remembering what to take and when to take it can overwhelm anybody taking a variety of pills, especially if that person struggles with fibro fog. A majority of us take daily supplements in conjunction with prescribed medications to sustain our health. A typical morning for people with fibromyalgia consists not just of breakfast, but also of vitamins, minerals, herbs and any prescribed medications. Remembering what to take and when to take it can overwhelm anybody taking a variety of pills, especially if that person struggles with fibro fog.

The highly respected patient advocate and writer Mary Shomon, shares the following suggestions for taking thyroid medication:

1. Always check the prescription against what you receive. Don't allow generic substitutions, as their ingredients may slightly vary.

2. Most doctors advise taking thyroid hormones on an empty stomach to allow for maximum absorption.

3. Many practitioners advise taking thyroid hormones at least one hour before eating, to allow for maximum absorption.

4. Be consistent about a high-fiber diet. If you start or stop eating foods high in fiber, get your thyroid rechecked, as it may change your absorption.

5. Many experts recommend taking vitamins or supplements with iron at least two to three hours apart from thyroid hormones. Iron can interfere with thyroid hormone absorption if taken too close together.

6. Be careful about taking anything with calcium, including calcium-fortified orange juice, at the same time as thyroid hormones. Allow at least two to three hours apart, so absorption is not affected.

7. Don't take antacids within two hours of thyroid hormones. Allow at least two to three hours apart, so absorption is not affected.

8. Always check with your physician or pharmacist regarding any potential interactions of prescription drugs, herbs and supplements with your thyroid drugs. Some of the better known drug interactions with thyroid medication include antidepressants, insulin, cholesterol-lowering drugs and blood thinners. These interactions could result in making the thyroid medication more or less effective and/or make the other medication more or less effective.

9. Don't stop taking thyroid hormone during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. It's necessary for you and your baby's health. Talk to your doctor about adjusting to the right dosage.

Deanna Couras Goodson from adds some more valuable suggestions for taking thyroid medication. During a hypothyroidism or fibromyalgia flare-up, struggling with memory is a very real and present issue. Because it is important to be consistent with your thyroid medication dosing, Goodson advises to:

1. Write down a reminder for yourself to take the thyroid medication on a calendar, to-do list or other location you visit frequently.

2. Take advantage of modern technology for reminding you to take the thyroid medication. Examples include creating a screen saver or scheduling pop-up reminders on your computer or Personal Digital Assistant (PDA).

3. Take your medication the same time each day and keep it in a place that will remind you to take it. An example of this is storing the medication next to your tooth brush, so it is automatically included in your morning routine.

Since finding the right balance of thyroid medication is so critical to recovering from hypothyroidism, anything affecting that balance must be stabilized. Making sure you are taking the right medication at the appropriate dosage can significantly improve one's quality of life. For the many individuals with both fibromyalgia and hypothyroidism, properly medicating with thyroid medication can make living with both of these conditions enjoyable by warming the body and increasing energy levels, while reducing muscular pain and fibro fog.

This article was prepared for Visit us to learn more about fibromyalgia symptoms, and the benefits of natural and conventional remedies.

References:, Gordon, Eric, MD, On Liver, Thyroid and Toxicity., Goodson, Deanna Couras, Hypothyroidism., Shomon, Mary, How to Take Your Thyroid Medication., Shomon, Mary, Thyroid Drugs: Frequently Asked Questions about Food, Drug and Supplement Interactions.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Smarten Up People, Flush Toxins Away

First of all I want to tell you how fit I am today, then I will tell you how

I used to be. I know you are saying to yourself, why I should be

Interested how this guy feels.

Well my friends there is a darn good reason for this.

My name is Ralph Morton, I am 78 years old and I feel like I am 55.

I play golf on a regular basis and shoot in the high 80's. I walk, don't

take a cart; I guess the reason is I hit the ball right down the middle,

unlike my playing partners whole chase their ball from one side of the

fairway to the other. They of course cover a lot of ground. Many times

they say, I have had the same ball for a couple of years as I never lose it.

They are wrong of course; I have been known to have lost a few.

My point is I am a very different person than I was a few years ago.

Going back about two and a half years ago, I had resigned myself to

getting old, hey, I was 76, my wife and I both didn't realize it, but we

had accepted old age. We didn't play golf any longer, I was fat, and

had no drive at all. Our whole life had changed in just a few months.

We just did the things old people do without thinking, we had just

gradually completely changed our lives.

When I think of it, I guess this is what happens to most married

couples eventually. I was overweight, a lot overweight, and I didn't feel

that I could do anything, you know what I mean, listless, and happy to

just sit down and watch television every night, and get fatter.

It is so easy to get into a routine, and time flies by so fast, and we do

nothing to help to make our lives any better. We just accept things as

they are.

Then, after months of missing my golf, and doing nothing, I made an

amazing discovery. I stumbled over an article that changed my life. I

guess I should have been smarter for the world is much more different

from what it was years ago.

The amazing discovery I made was how toxins are damaging our whole

systems. I realized why I was listless, fat and truly out of shape, no drive

at all. Hey, I didn't like the life I was leading, I could see what was

happening to both my wife and I. We made the decision to change.

The results I have given earlier in this letter. I am playing golf again, my

wife and I are happy again together. We now look forward to every day; it is amazing how things have changed. Our friends look at us, wondering what

has happened to Ralph and Anita.

Someone once said the following to me. What if part of being a human being

was that you were required to carry around your waist 100 lbs of potatoes.

You would place the potatoes in a similar thing as a money belt with pouches.

When you got out of bed in a morning, you would place the belt around your

waist leaving it there until the end of the day. All day you would do your

normal business with these potatoes around your waist. You would do

everything that way, even making love.

What a tremendous relief it would be to take it off at night, wow. You would of course have to put it back on if you decided to make love in bed.

I guess you can see the whole point of this exercise, anyone with the potatoes

stowed in this pouch would be grateful to be rid of them.

Well, it is the same as people been overweight they carry this extra weight, we

Don't call it a pouch we call the thing they carry the weight, we call that a


Well my friends I read everything I could about Toxins. Why toxins? Well, the reason I was fat, listless and everything else was simply my system, like everyone

else's was full of toxins.

Here are a couple of things I discovered about why in this modern age we are

bombarded with these pollutions day after day.

Have you ever asked yourself this question, why is it today

we have more obese people? Up 67% of the population are

overweight today. There were a great lot less many years

ago. A few, but in no way were they around as they are

today, and believe me it will get worse. It will not get any

better unless people educate themselves. Unless they know

why this is happening, the problem will continue to grow.

We are all exposed to thousands of toxins and chemicals on a

daily basis at work, in the home, through the air we breathe,

our food and water supply, and through the use of

pharmaceutical drugs. In addition, we are eating more sugar

and processed foods than ever before in human history and

regularly abuse our bodies with various stimulants and


If you never wondered or cared much about the pollution around

us, it's time to change your views and start paying attention

to this problem. For decades, scientists have been studying the

pollutants in our air, water, food, and soil. U.S. industries

manufacture over 6 trillion pounds of 9,000 different chemicals

a year. They dump billions of pounds of industrial chemicals

into our air and water year after year. So now scientists have

started to examine pollution levels in humans and their findings

are deeply disturbing. Research clearly proves that our bodies

are not capable of eliminating all the different toxins and

chemicals we inhale and ingest every day. They simply accumulate

in our cells (especially fat cells), tissues, blood, organs

(such as the colon, liver and brain) and remain stored for an

indefinite length of time causing all kinds of health problems.

1 in 3 people have Cancer (2 billion+!!!!).1 in 4 people die of Cancer.

1 in 8 women have Breast Cancer 17 million people have Asthma.4 million

people have Parkinson's worldwide .2.5 million people have

Multiple Sclerosis.4 million people have Lupus.4.6 million people have

Alzheimer's.40 million people have arthritis.18.2 million people have

Diabetes representing 6% of the U.S. population.16% of the U.S. has

chemical sensitivity and 7% have been diagnosed with Multiple

Chemical Sensitivity .1 million people in the U.S. have Chronic

Fatigue Immune Deficiency Syndrome.24 % of the U.S. experience a

mental illness in their lifetime.1 in 6 children in U.S. suffers from

a developmental, learning, or behavioral disability such as Autism,

Mental Retardation, ADHD, and birth defects. Synthroid, a synthetic

thyroid hormone is the most prescribed drug in the U.S.1 in 11

Americans have overactive bladders.

Toxins have now become one of greatest problems that face humanity

today, there not a great lot an individual can do other than keeping

pressure on our Governments.

Today I am living proof that if you were to take a Natural Cleanse your life will change. When you rid yourself of toxins you have newly found energy. You will

not believe the wonderful feeling you have now that your system is working as it


You have taken the time to read this article, so just take the next step and have

a full cleanse. Make sure you drink a lot of water as that is required.

One further point, by taking the cleanse you will not require those many Vitamins

You have stored in your cupboard, if you read the ingredients that are in the cleanse

You will find all the vitamins covered there.

I know you will thank me for guiding you in the right direction,

I wish you success.

Ralph Morton is the author of"Smarten Up People Flush Toxins Away" he has helped thousands of individuals to lose a lot of weight. Visit his site to find out how you can do a cleanse plus you will be able to listen to to the Gastroenterologist, the good Doctor Becky Natrajan will explain the toxins, and why they must be removed from yoursystem, Visit, after it loads, on the top left click on ISAVIDEOs, and hear what she has to say. Next to that video are one each from ABC and FOX news, explaining the ISAGENIX cleanse. Don't miss these.Any Questions Call 604-536-6813 or Email:

Friday, July 11, 2008

Your Hidden Weapons of Fat Destruction

You have weapons of fat destruction. And you are hiding them - probably unknowingly. This explains why your waist is being overcome by enemy number one: unsightly belly fat. Are you ready to obliterate it?

As a biochemical evil-doer, belly fat slowly destroys quality of life.

Among men, it yields boobs. It keeps your soldier from standing at attention. Among women, it stores the "junk-in-the-trunk". It smothers sex drive. It zaps life-giving energy. It disrupts mental focus.

This evil-doer is very demanding. Belly fat screams for ice-cream and soda without warning. If you don't yield to its desires, it holds you prisoner by making you feel edgy, light-headed, and generally pissed off until you give in.

This evil doer is a liar. Almost hourly, it tries to convince you that, "One more soda isn't gonna hurt you". At night, it whispers, "Everyone in America is eating chocolate right now, you should be too". When you wonder if you should be exercising it tries to convince you that, "Exercise is not important".

Perhaps the most insidious characteristic of belly fat is its ability to keep you in your comfort zone -your fat comfort zone. Today, 60% of Americans are fat. Our children are following in our fat footsteps. And few people are doing anything about it. Instead, they hold tight to the myth that "carrying belly fat is genetic or a normal part of aging". Wrong.

At 30% body fat, I reveled in my own comfort zone for an entire year before I decided to take military like action. Once I uncovered my hidden weapons of fat destruction, I descended to 11% body fat and gained about 10 lbs of muscle in 90 days and have kept it off ever since. I've seen worse case scenarios do the exact same. In addition to ridding themselves and man-boobs and belly fat, some cured type II diabetes!

Forget about fad diets. Forget about fad supplements. Forget about fad drugs like Synthroid, Xenical, Meridia and the newer Accomplia that have side-effects worse than obesity. Forget about eating some exotic algae or fancy fruit drink to lose fat. If these mass produced and mass selling products were effective we wouldn?t be the fattest country in the world.

As a pharmaceutical chemist, I've uncovered a trove of fat destroying weapons that would make a fat military general envious. Under the proper lifestyle and dietary circumstances the arsenal can be employed by your own body. Is Michael Moore reading?

Human Growth Hormone (hGH), Leptin, IGF-1 and Testosterone

I'm going to spare you the biochemistry lesson. All you need to know is that in addition to being weapons of fat destruction, the above hormones are great for living young, building muscle, obtaining vibrant looking skin and ensuring that your bedroom energy is rockin'.

Unfortunately, if you are sporting belly fat, you probably have very little of them courtesy of surging insulin levels. Insulin prevents your body from unleashing these vital fat destroyers.

The only way to get your weapons of fat destruction back on the front lines is to "increase insulin sensitivity". Don't fret over the science jargon, just keep reading.

Insulin sensitivity is the opposite of insulin resistance (type II diabetes). Sensitivity to insulin means that you won't have much of the fat storing hormone in your fat belly. You will live thin and slim.

Insensitivity to insulin means that your body is resistant to it and therefore does not use it up fast enough. As a result, your belly bathes in it. You get fat.. Simple right? Don't worry, medical doctors usually choke on their words when trying to explain it to patients (future drug eaters of America).

To increase insulin sensitivity, do the following:

1. If it tastes sweet spit it out. Don't complicate this one. I don't care about the mom-in-a-thong promoting the newest health/sports bar. I don't care about the dumb-jock on the verge of "roid-rage" promoting a sweetened protein shake. And I don't care about how scrumptious that organic apple looks. If it tastes sweet spit it out. Maybe save it for birthdays. You'll be having many more by sticking to this rule.

2. Eat three meals per day and space them out by 4-5 hours. No snacking. Meals should be 50% healthy fat, 20% low glycemic carbs and 30% protein.

3. Key nutritional supplements can also be used. Among them are cinnamon (2-6 grams daily) and banaba leaf containing 1% corosolic acid (50-250 mg daily). The best time to use is 30-60 minutes prior to meals. These supplements are safer and more effective than any prescription drug. In fact, using "combinatorial chemistry", drug labs are trying to make a synthetic copy-cat of both as we speak - they've been failing for years.

4. Expose that white belly to God's healing rays! Showering 85% of your body to sunlight for 20 - 45 minutes three to five times per week will increase insulin sensitivity while controlling sugar cravings. Skin damaging sunscreen is not allowed.

5. Use my free, insulin controlling workout (sign up for my free Secret Cures eLetter above) to ensure that you pack on that dormant, sexy muscle.

Some readers will have a momentary lapse in judgment. They will continue to hide their weapons of fat destruction and instead choose to be a "drug eater of America". This is futile and dangerous. Not a single prescription drug address - insulin sensitivity. This is the primary reason none of them reverse obesity, insulin resistance or type II diabetes. They just mask symptoms. This is a stark reminder that Mother Nature provides the best medicine.

Cute, Dimply Fat Eradicated

The above tactics will bring hGH, leptin, IGF-1 and Testosterone front and center. Insulin will decrease (along with blood sugar) and your weapons of fat destruction will emerge. No matter how cute, squishy and dimply your fat might be, it will be eradicated. The shock and awe that follows will leave your peers secretly wondering, "Wow! What did they do to get rid of all that unsightly belly fat?"

But, But, But?

"But, my doctor told me to stay on my med's and that they would control my weight, am I supposed to get off my drugs?"

"But, I heard that Xango would cure my obesity and my toe fungus. Are you saying to stop drinking it?"

"But, I've been overweight my whole life, it runs in my family."

Stop! Don't say another word. Your fat cells are eating your brain. Use your hidden weapons of fat destruction before your quality of life is destroyed.

Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison has an MS in organic chemistry and has first hand experience in drug design and synthesis. He is an internationally recognized authority on therapeutic nutrition and the author of Health Myths Exposed, The Hidden Truth About Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs and The AM-PM Fat Loss Discovery. Get a 10% discount on these products by visiting

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Getting the Most from Calcium Supplements

Although a well-balanced diet is the best way to consume vitamins and minerals, some people prefer to take out an "insurance policy" or two in the form of supplements. One thing is for sure; there is no shortage of calcium supplements on the market! Here are some helpful consumer hints to narrow down your selection:


Calcium Carbonate is the most inexpensive and readily available option. It contains the highest level of elemental calcium (40%), therefore fewer pills may be required in order to reach your desired daily intake. This big amount of calcium is typically accompanied by a big pill. A chewable or liquid version may be preferred for those who find the tablets too big to swallow. Calcium carbonate should be taken with meals or with an acidic beverage such as orange juice. It is alkaline based and requires extra stomach acid for maximum absorption. For some, intestinal distress in the form of gas or constipation. If this happens to you, try upping your dietary fiber intake, and drink more water. If this doesn't help, switch to calcium citrate.

Calcium Citrate usually costs just a bit more than calcium carbonate, and is not quite as easy to find, but on the whole it is an excellent option. Calcium citrate has less elemental calcium (21%), but it is better absorbed than calcium carbonate. It is acidic based, and may be taken at any time in the day, even on an empty stomach! If you are taking acid blockers for indigestion, acid reflux or other intestinal conditions, calcium citrate may be your best option from an absorption point of view.

Calcium Phosphate is rarely recommended. Although some types of calcium phosphate contain high levels of elemental calcium, the average diet already contains too much phosphorous from processed foods.

Calcium Lactate and Calcium Gluconate are both usually well absorbed, but they have a very low rate of elemental calcium (13% and 9% respectively). Calcium Lactate is derived from lactic acid and should not be a problem for milk allergies or lactose intolerance.

Coral & Chelated Calcium are overpriced and over-hyped calcium supplements. They supply no known advantages over any of the calcium compounds noted above. It is best to avoid supplements that contain Dolomite, Bone Meal, or Oyster Shell. These products may be contaminated with lead, mercury, and/or arsenic.


Several different calcium compounds are utilized in supplements, such as calcium carbonate, calcium phosphate and calcium citrate. The elemental calcium represents the actual amount or percentage of calcium in the compound. It is important that you read the labels of calcium supplements to verify the amount of elemental calcium available. How does one do this? Simple! On the nutrition/supplement facts label a % of daily value is listed. This is based upon a 1000mg recommended daily value for calcium. Thus a supplement with a 25% daily value for calcium has 250mg of elemental calcium. Also, be sure to note the serving size, that is the number of tablets, pills, etc. you must take in order to obtain that level of elemental calcium. If you choose to supplement, do not consume more than 2500mg of elemental calcium daily (diet and supplements combined)!


Calcium supplements are not currently regulated by the FDA. However, when selecting a calcium supplement check the label for the initials USP. This is a guarantee that the product meets with the U.S. Pharmacopeia's voluntary standards for quality, purity (lead content), and tablet disintegration. Since the application for the USP symbol is completely voluntary, some excellent brands may not display it, just to complicate matters a bit. In Canada, specific standards have been created for lead content, quality, and tablet disintegration. Products with a DIN (Drug Identification Number) or GP (General Product) number have met with these standards. If you want more confidence in your vitamins and minerals, check out They test and report on various brands and types of supplements.


The body will easily absorb most brand name calcium products. However, if in doubt check for the USP symbol, or try a simple test on a sample tablet. Place it into a glass of warm water or clear vinegar. Stir occasionally. If the tablet dissolves within 30 minutes, then the supplement will most likely dissolve in your stomach as well. Chewable and liquid calcium supplements are a good alternative to ensure proper absorption. As a rule of thumb, calcium, whether from diet or supplements, is best absorbed when consumed throughout the day in increments of less than 500mg.


If you are taking any medications, prescription or over-the-counter, check with your doctor or pharmacist before adding calcium supplements into the mix. Calcium has been shown to interfere with the absorption of iron supplements, Synthroid for hypothyroidism, bisphosphonate medication for osteoporosis (i.e. Fosamax or Didrocal), and certain antibiotics such as tetracycline. A window of 2 hours or more between the medication and calcium supplementation should prevent an interaction.


Calcium supplements are found in varying combinations, often with added vitamins and minerals such as magnesium and Vitamin D. For most healthy individuals, additional supplements of magnesium are not required. Magnesium is abundant in vegetables and nuts, and our daily requirements can be met with that good old "5 servings of fruits and vegetables." Those who believe they may have a magnesium deficiency due to illness should consult a physician. On a different note, sunscreen, age, and increasing indoor activities are depleting the levels of Vitamin D we as humans are producing. This is prompting more recommendations for Vitamin D supplementation. You may opt to take Calcium supplements with Vitamin D, which is great, but not an absolute must. Although Vitamin D enhances calcium absorption, it is taken in and stored in a unique way and at a different rate than calcium.


Ignore the sales pitches and consumer hype when purchasing calcium supplements. The least expensive and most basic brands of calcium carbonate or calcium citrate will typically do the trick!

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Antacids - One Type Of Drug

How The Drug Works

Antacids neutralize stomach acid and increase the pH of the stomach. This action also inhibits activity of pepsin, a digestive enzyme that can be irritating to the stomach lining. They also increase the tone of the muscular valve between the stomach and the esophagus, which helps prevent stomach acids from getting into the esophagus and causing heartburn.


To treat upset stomach due to excessive acid production (including heartburn, acid indigestion, and sour stomach).

To treat excess acid secretion associated with peptic ulcer (ulcers in the stomach or intestine).

Aluminum Carbonate: To treat or control hyperphosphatemia.

Calcium Carbonate, Magnesium Oxide: To treat calcium or magnesium deficiencies, respectively.

Magnesium Hydroxide: To relieve occasional constipation (irregularity).

Other Uses: Occasionally doctors may prescribe aluminum hydroxide, aluminum carbonate, and calcium carbonate to reduce phosphorus levels in certain kidney conditions. Aluminum hydroxide or aluminum hydroxide with magnesium hydroxide may be used to prevent stress ulcer bleeding (stress ulcers occur with serious illnesses such as life threatening infections or blood loss).

Sodium Content: Some antacids have a high sodium content. Select a low-sodium antacid product if you have high blood pressure, heart conditions, kidney disease, fluid retention, or are on a low-sodium diet. Check package label when available or consult your doctor or pharmacist.

Sodium Bicarbonate: Sodium bicarbonate products can alter normal blood chemistry if used for long periods of time or in excessive doses.

Phenylketonuria: Some of these products contain phenylalanine. Check package label when available or consult your doctor or pharmacist.

Pregnancy: There are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women. Use only if clearly needed and the potential benefits to the mother outweigh the possible risks to the fetus.

Breastfeeding: It is not known if antacids appear in breast milk. Consult your doctor before you begin breastfeeding.

Tartrazine: Some of these products may contain the dye tartrazine which can cause allergic reactions in certain individuals. Check package label when available or consult your doctor or pharmacist.

Drug Interactions

Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking or if you are planning to take any over-the-counter or prescription medications or dietary supplements with antacids, Doses of one or both drugs may need to be modified or a different drug may need to be prescribed. The following drugs and drug classes interact with antacids:

Allopurinol (eg, Zyloprim)

Levothyroxine (eg, Synthroid)

Aluminum Products Only

Penicillamine (eg, Cuprimine)

Chloroquine (eg, Aralen)

Sodium Polystyrene Sulfonate

Isoniazid (eg, Nydrazid)

Hydantoins (eg, Phenytoin)

Side Effects

Every drug is capable of producing side effects. Many antacid users experience no, or minor, side effects. The frequency and severity of side effects depend on many factors including dose, duration of therapy, and individual susceptibility. Possible side effects include:

Aluminum-Containing Antacids: Constipation; high aluminum blood levels; low phosphorus levels.

Calcium-Containing Antacids: Appetite loss; nausea; vomiting; dry mouth; increased urination; constipation; stomach pain; thirst; confusion; high blood calcium levels.

Magnesium-Containing Antacids: Diarrhea; high magnesium blood levels; muscle weakness; slow reflexes.

Guidelines For Use

Consult individual product labeling for dosage. Antacids contain a variety of different ingredients. Do not exceed the maximum recommended dosage.

Chewable tablets - Chew thoroughly before swallowing. May be followed with a glass of water.

Suspensions - Shake well before using.

Product choice - Liquid products work faster and have greater activity than other forms. Tablets and capsules may be more acceptable and convenient, particularly when you are away from home or when the liquid would be inconvenient to carry.

Antacids reduce acidity for about 30 to 60 minutes when taken on an empty stomach. Acidity is reduced for about 2 to 3 hours when antacids are taken 1 hour after meals.

Antacids can interfere with the absorption of some drugs. Do not take medication within 2 hours of taking the antacid.

Notify your doctor if "coffee-ground" vomiting or black, tarry stools occur.

Taking too much of these products can cause the stomach to secrete excess stomach acid. Consult your doctor or pharmacist about the appropriate dose.,

Long-term use do not take for longer than 2 weeks for the relief of indigestion, unless advised to do so by your doctor. If discomfort continues, consult your doctor.

Store at room temperature (59 0 to 86�F) in a dry place. Refrigeration of liquid antacids may improve the flavor. Avoid freezing. If the taste of one antacid product is not satisfactory, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about switching to another product.

Read more about drugs, drugs and medicines, and also about drugs facts.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Hypothyroidism - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Methods

Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the body lacks sufficient thyroid hormone. Hypothyroidism is also known as an under active thyroid. It occurs when the thyroid gland does not make enough thyroxine. Many of the symptoms of hypothyroidism are very subtle and are experienced by people without thyroid disease. Thus, a lot of physicians overlook the symptoms of fatigue, weight gain and depression and attribute them to other causes.

It is a relatively common disease in purebred domestic dogs as well, and can have a hereditary basis in dogs. The risk of developing hypothyroidism tends to increase with age; older women have the highest risk. There are several distinct causes for chronic hypothyroidism in human beings, the most common being Hashimoto's thyroiditis (an autoimmune disease) and radioiodine therapy for hyperthyroidism. The thyroid gland, located in the front of the neck just below the larynx, secretes hormones that control metabolism.

Because thyroid hormone affects growth, development, and many cellular processes, inadequate thyroid hormone has widespread consequences for the body. Women, especially those older than 50, are more likely to have hypothyroidism than men are. In rare cases, hypothyroidism occurs in infants and children.

In hypothyroidism, the thyroid is under active, with too little of the thyroid hormones being released. The thyroid is situated just below your "Adams apple" or larynx. The severity of hypothyroidism varies widely. Patients are classified as "subclinical hypothyroid" if diagnostic findings show thyroid hormone abnormalities, but they do not exhibit any symptoms. Others have moderate symptoms that can be mistaken for other diseases and states. The two most important thyroid hormones are thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), which account for 99.9% and 0.1% of thyroid hormones present in the blood respectively.

Untreated hypothyroidism in infants can cause brain damage, leading to mental retardation and developmental delays. Every state in the United States tests newborns for hypothyroidism. The hypothalamus is a brain structure that normally signals the pituitary gland to make thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), which causes the thyroid to make thyroid hormones. Some medical problems can affect either the hypothalamus or the pituitary gland, and interrupt the chain of signals from the brain to the thyroid. Decreased thyroid hormone effect can cause increased levels of total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and a possible change in high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol. In addition, hypothyroidism may result in an increase in insulin resistance.

Causes of Hypothyroidism

The common causes and risk factor's of Hypothyroidism include the following:

The most common cause of hypothyroidism is Hashimoto's thyroiditis, a disease of the thyroid gland where the body's immune system attacks the gland.

Lymphocytic Thyroiditis After Hyperthyroidism.

Thyroid Destruction (from radioactive iodine or surgery).

External beam radiation, which is used to treat some cancers, such as Hodgkin's lymphoma. This radiation treatment can destroy the thyroid gland.

An operation to remove part of the thyroid gland (usually for thyrotoxicosis ), often years earlier.

Radioactive iodine treatment for thyrotoxicosis.

Drugs such as amiodarone, interferon alpha, thalidomide, and stavudine have also been associated with primary hypothyroidism.

Use of radioactive iodine for treatment of Graves disease generally results in permanent hypothyroidism within one year of therapy. The frequency is much lower in patients with toxic nodular goiters and those with autonomously functioning thyroid nodules.

Symptoms of Hypothyroidism

Some sign and symptoms related to Hypothyroidism are as follows:

A puffy face.

Tendency to feel cold.

Joint or muscle pain.

Hoarse voice.

An elevated blood cholesterol level.


Feeling sluggish and tired.


Choking sensation or difficulty swallowing.

Goiter (enlarged thyroid causing a lump in the neck).

Coarseness or loss of hair.

Shortness of breath with a shallow and slow respiratory pattern.

Treatment of Hypothyroidism

Here is list of the methods for treating Hypothyroidism:

If you have coronary artery disease or severe hypothyroidism, your doctor may start treatment with a smaller amount of medication and gradually increase the dosage.

Hypothyroidism is treated with replacement doses of thyroid hormones. Synthetic forms of these hormones are used, including levothyroxine (Synthroid, Levoxyl and other brand names), liothyronine (Cytomel) or liotrix (Thyrolar).

It is treated by replacing the amount of hormone that your own thyroid can no longer make, to bring your T4 and TSH back to normal levels.

The average dose of T4 replacement in adults is approximately 1.6 micrograms per kilogram per day.

Progressive hormone replacement allows your heart to adjust to the increase in metabolism.

Supportive therapy (oxygen, assisted ventilation, fluid replacement) and intensive-care nursing may be indicated.

Permanently decreased metabolism requires lifelong treatment with thyroxine tablets.

Juliet Cohen writes articles for diseases cure and health care information. She also writes articles on healing remedies.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Woes from an Underactive Thyroid (Part 2)

In the previous article, I ended by stating that there are tests available for hypothyroidism and that these will: check the level of the two thyroid hormones (T3 and T4); check the level of the pituitary hormone (TSH) that stimulates the thyroid gland; check the level of brain hormone (TRH) that stimulates the pituitary gland; check the levels of thyroid-attacking antibodies, and; check the level of iodine.

The most common of the above tests is the TSH test, considered the standard 'screening' test for thyroid dysfunction. This test measures the level of TSH - the hormone excreted by the pituitary gland that stimulates the thyroid to produce more T3 and T4. The relationship between thyroid hormone levels and TSH levels is inverse - in other words, a high TSH level usually indicates that your body has a low thyroid hormone level.

Up until 2003, the range for a 'normal' TSH level was extremely wide: 0.5-5.0. That wide range for normal was reduced in 2003 to 0.3-3.04 ... but would it surprise you to learn that many family doctors are unaware of this change? Many millions of Americans, of course, are now considered 'hypothyroid' with this change in range - and many don't know it. Researchers now suspect that thyroid dysfunction has surpassed diabetes as the number one endocrine gland disease - and diabetes is considered at 'epidemic' levels.

The new range for the TSH test is good news. The bad news, however, is that you can have ALL of the symptoms of an underactive thyroid even with a normal TSH. Unfortunately, most doctors look at your TSH 'screening' test results only, and if this is in the 'normal' range (and remember, many doctors are still using the pre-2003 ranges) then they believe your thyroid function is fine. But there is almost NO correlation between TSH and T3 (the workhorse) hormone levels. Lack of correlation makes sense if you think about it. TSH is a pituitary hormone, T3 is a thyroid hormone.

To compound the problem, if your TSH does happen to fall outside the 'normal' range, the common practice is for doctors to write a one-size-fits-all prescription for a synthetic T4 thyroid supplement - usually Synthroid or Levoxyl. If you have problems converting T4 to T3, or if you have thyroid-attacking antibodies, synthetic T4 is unlikely to fix your underactive thyroid.

If you have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism and still have symptoms - OR - if you have symptoms but have not been diagnosed with hypothyroidism, find a doctor that uses the Comprehensive Thyroid Assessment blood panel for testing. Every single aspect of your health could improve JUST by getting your hypothyroidism under control ... every single aspect. Please - make this investment in yourself! As someone once stated: 'Hypothyroidism has been called the great imitator for the vast number of medical conditions it can mimic.'

Tips for Improving Thyroid Function

It would not be surprising if half (or more) of all baby boomers have subclinical hypothyroidism. Like insulin resistance, hypothyroidism seems to be part of the aging process. The stress hormone cortisol, for example, negatively affects thyroid (hormone) receptors on cells, just as it negatively affects insulin (hormone) receptors on cells.

Insulin resistance (pre-diabetes/metabolic syndrome) and subclinical hypothyroidism make it extremely difficult (and sometimes impossible) to shed those unwanted pounds. When it comes to losing weight, remember that you need to be healthy to lose weight, not lose weight to be healthy.

There are some additional things you can do for subclinical hypothyroidism. First, supplementing with the mineral selenium is smart. The daily requirement for good health is 70 micrograms (mcg) of selenium. It is not enough, however, if you need support in converting T4 to T3. A better dose of this mineral is 200 mcg daily (but not to exceed 400 mcg). And because selenium is also recommended for protection against several cancers (prostate cancer in particular), I recommend this supplement at 200 mcg. Recall, if you will, Linus Pauling's statement: 'There is no disease, sickness or illness that cannot be traced back to a deficiency of one mineral or another.'

Second, subclinical hypothyroidism is present mostly in the over-40 age group, and so I also recommend a whole-natural thyroid extract supplement. Whole-natural thyroid extract provides both T3 and T4. Supplementation can have a wide range of health benefits - and in many 'anti-aging' programs it is considered important in slowing the aging process.

Final Words: If you have symptoms of hypothyroidism, find a doctor that uses the Comprehensive Thyroid Assessment blood panel and get tested - you're worth every nickel this will cost. If you want to supplement with whole-natural thyroid extract as the first step in an 'anti-aging' program, do so - but do it prudently.

Visit - where "incompletely healthy" baby boomers learn to get healthy and stay healthy.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Common Herb and Medical Drug Interactions

Many people who take pharmaceutical medication also want to take some herbal remedies. However, there can be difficulties with this as the chemicals in the two preparations can interact - changing the effect of the pharmaceutical drugs and the herbs. If you are taking medical drugs you need to be aware of potential interactions with herbs. Herbs can in many instances provide a safer alternative to pharmaceutical medication (especially when other measures to improve health are also undertaken). However, because of the potential for interactions it is wise to be under the supervision of a health professional as you make changes.

The following is a list of common potential interactions between medical drugs and herbs.

- Anti-hypertensive dugs - used to lower blood pressure.

Grapefruit juice may enhance the effect by reducing their metabolic breakdown. Vitamin B3, magnesium and calcium can also enhance the effect of anti-hypertensives.

- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID). NSAIDs are known to irritate the gastrointestinal linking and are linked to the development of intestinal ulcers. This means that they, for preference, need to be avoided. However, if you are taking NSAID then avoid anything else that is likely to increase the irritation of the intestinal lining. This includes all alcohol, coffee Arabica and uva-ursi.

- Corticosteroids such as Prednisone and cortisone. These drugs are used for their anti-inflammatory effects and in having this effect they are immune suppressing. Using with immune stimulating herbs such as astragalus, echinacea, licorice root, alfalfa sprouts, and zinc lozenges may offset the immunosuppressive effects.

- Cyclosporine - sandimmune (an antibiotic). Grapefruit juice may cause increased cyclosporine levels and St. John's wort may decrease levels.

- Digoxin - Lanoxin (a heart drug). Some herbs are digoxin like and have the same effect as the medical drug. Taking these herbs together with digoxin is like taking an overdose. There herbs include hawthorn berry, foxglove, senticosus and Siberian ginseng. Aloe vera, taken in large doses, can irritate the intestine and cause a purgative effect. If this is severe enough - with the loss of sufficient fluid there can be a decrease in serum potassium levels and problems with the heart beat. Also avoid use with quinine, which may increase digoxin levels. (Quinine is found in tonic water.) Avoid use with the herb licorice root (this is the herb and not the candy), as its diuretic effect can result in low potassium levels and toxicity. Fibers, such as psyllium, decrease digoxin absorption, within two hours of taking medication.

- Diuretics - acetazolamide, thiazides (fluid tablets). There are many herbs that have a diuretic effect. These include artichoke, goldenseal, celery seeds, and dandelion. These herbs will increase the diuretic effect of the medical drugs.

- Hypoglycemic agents - Glucotrol, Glucophage, diabeta, insulin. (Used to control blood sugar levels). There are herbs that contain hyper or hypoglycemic components. These include: broom, buchu, dandelion, juniper, karela and the minerals chromium, vanadium and magnesium. Some of these improve glucose tolerance.

- Phenobarbital - ancalixir, barbital, solfoton, luminal sodium. Herbs containing thujones and vitamin B6 may lower seizure threshold. Wormwood may potentiate phenobarbital effects.

- Lithium - Butcher's broom, buchu, dandelion and juniper may enhance the effect of lithium and cause possible toxicity.

- Phenytoin - Dilantin, phenytex. Ayurvedic preparation shankapulshipi diminishes anti-epileptic effect.

- Thyroid medication - Synthroid. Large quantities of horseradish may depress thyroid function. Kelp contains iodine, which may result in excess thyroid levels when taken with thyroid replacement medications.

- Warfarin, Coumadin, sofarin (blood thinners). There are many herbs that act as blood thinners and these taken with the medical drugs can result in increased bleeding. Some of these herbs include cayenne, feverfew, garlic, ginger, white willow bark (aspirin), St John's wort, alfalfa and ginkgo biloba. Taking over 1000 IU of vitamin E or the papaya enzyme papain may also result in increased bleeding.

High doses of herbs such as dong quai, quinine and devil's claw may cause decreased blood thinning activity. High doses of vitamin C, A and K may also result in lessened anticoagulant effect.

The list above contains some of the common potential interactions between medical drugs and herbs. There are potentially many more. This does not mean that you shouldn't use herbs if you are taking medical drugs. You should however understand the potential effects.

Dr Jenny Tylee is an experienced health professional who is passionate about health and wellbeing. She believes that health is not just absence of disease and seeks to actively promote vitality and wellness through empowering others. She encourages people to improve their health by quit smoking, cleansing their body, taking essential vitamin and mineral supplement and many other methods, including herbal remedies. She also own which has quality, non-contaminated supplements and other health products

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Hair Loss - A Distressing Symptom of an Underactive Thyroid - Help for Hair Loss

I'm not going to beat about the bush - I know you've come to this article becuase you're suffering hair loss due to an underactive thyroid gland.

You're not alone. A huge number of people suffer from HYPOTHYROIDISM, mostly women, & one of the hugely distressing symptoms of thyroid disease is hair loss. My hair bizarrely didn't start to fall out until after I started treatment for hypothyroidism, maybe about 3-4 months in, then it started coming out in huge handfuls. I was convinced that my scalp was shining through like an old lady & that everyone could see how bald I'd become! Fortunately I have curly hair so was able to fluff it all up a bit which helped disguise the thinning.

But there was many a morning when I was oh-so-carefully combing it through that I'd just sit on the floor covered in handfuls of hair crying. I couldn't imagine that I would ever have nice hair again.

I went back to my doctor to see what he could do - he wasn't terribly helpful it has to be said & told me that I'd reacted to having hypothyroidism like I'd been told I had cancer! He just didn't understand what it was like to have what was probably my best feature ruined!

So I had to do a bit of research myself, bought a few books on thyroid disease, surfed a few sites for info on Hashimotos & hypothyroidism. the main thing I learnt is that hair loss should clear up in about 6 months....but if it doesn't - Here's the interesting hypothyroidism tips for all of you suffering hair loss - if you're on a synthetic thyroid hormone like Synthroid (or any of the generic levothyroxine tabs for that matter) if you look up the data card (easy to find online usually if you look up the drug company website) for the drug one of the little known side effects is hair loss!

Go see your doctor. Change your drug! Loads of them won't even be aware of this side effect - take the info with you as proof. Doctors hate internet self-diagnosers as we wield power but even they won't be able to ignore the drug company information!

Also, & this is important, make sure you're not undertreated for your thryoid - demand a blood test. Hypothyroidism is a difficult disease. TSH levels can fluctuate & hair loss is a symptom of the disease itself, make sure you're properly treated & that your TSH is low, & I don't just mean "within the range" that your doc prescribes, make sure it's on the low end of the hypothyroidism scale.

Some people swear by having a combination of T3 & T4 drugs. My doctor prescribed a small dose of T4 hormone & I believe this worked for me, but it doesn't for everyone. Again. it won't be generally prescribed routinely, you have to ask for it!

You can also consider other alternative hypothyroidism options like evening primrose oil - I take it for the dreaded PMS anyway! Lots of people have reported very positive hair results from taking it.

Finally you could consider hair loss drugs - the 2 most popular are Propecia & Regaine - Propecia is a tablet (I used to be a drug rep for Merck who originally sold this drug for something else entirely, it was only when they noticed the hair growth as a side effect that they invested in developing it as a hair loss drug!) & Regaine is a lotion applied to the scalp. With both as soon as you stop taking/applying the drug the hair you regain is lost.

Remember, that lots of other people, not just me & you, are going through this & you will come out the other end. I'm not going to lie & say I have a thick bouncy head of hair like the girls in the TV ads, it's thinner than it was before the hypthyroidism, but it's not raggedy rats tails anymore & looks pretty good most of the time! People compliment me on my hair these days.

Good Luck & check out my blog is you're interested in more information on hypothyroidism. I'd love to hear from you.

Read more about my experience with Hypothyroidism

THYROID DISEASE BY Malarkey fraser

The Thyroid - Often Overlooked or Misdiagnosed

Most MD's use blood tests called T3, T4, and T7 to determine thyroid activity in patients. They then compare these blood readings to what is called "normal" ranges, and if the blood tests fall into these ranges, the patient is told they are "normal" or "OK".

One of the reasons why three tests are used is because none of them are very accurate. I have seen many persons who were told they were in the "normal" range, but when they test themselves with the accurate temperature test below, they were found to be very hypothyroid (low in activity).

Dr. Broda Barnes, a physician way ahead of her time, found over 50 years ago that the body basal temperature was a good indicator of thyroid activity, in particular, the body temperature on arising from sleep. She wrote a book about thyroid activity and the various ills and problems arising from low (hypo) thyroid activity.

I am indebted to Dr. Roy Kupsinel of Orlando Florida for introducing me to Dr. Barnes work, and for various other helps he gave me while I was in practice there, and gradually learning about Alternate and Orthomolecular Therapies.

Testing Thyroid Activity

At night, shake down a thermometer - be sure that it is shaken down and below 95 degrees. Next morning, on awakening, put the thermometer under your arm with the bulb in the armpit with no clothing between it and the armpit. Leave it there for 10 minutes (use snooze alarm if you wake up to an alarm). Just drowse for that time lying still.

After 10 minutes, take the thermometer out, and read it, writing down the result right away. (On waking, most people don't think clearly and might forget the reading). This is known as your Early AM Basal Temperature, and the "normal" should be between 97.8 and 98.2. This reading taken by armpit is somewhat lower and somewhat more accurate than that taken by mouth. If you have a low-grade infection this may read higher than your "normal", therefore if it's in that range above, you should repeat the above procedure every other day for a week or so. If a menstruating female, also do it on the 2nd and 3rd day of your period.

If lower than the above range, you are probably hypothyroid, and if higher, then you are probably hyperthyroid, or you may have an infection somewhere. (Hypo means low in docterese, and hyper means high.)

Just some of the symptoms of hypothyroidism can be: depression, low energy, fatigue, many infections, chronic headaches, circulatory problems, chronic skin problems, poor memory and/or concentration, eczema, psoriasis, irregular menstrual periods, neuroticism, irritability, hair loss, and lots more.

A serious problem that many who are hypothyroid suffer from is obesity. Because the thyroid governs metabolism rate, and if it is hypo in activity, the body stores energy in the form of fat. A hyperthyroid person is usually always fairly thin no matter what they eat. (We all hate those lucky ones!)

The book by Dr. Broda Barnes is excellent.

To treat hypothyroidism, you can try to find an MD, or a DO, who will write you a prescription for Armour Natural, or Cytomel. Synthroid is what is mostly prescribed, but it has been linked to osteoporosis. There is also Lugol which has been found useful in conjunction with thyroid. Or, you can go to a good health food store and get a "glandular" that contains thyroid (along with other glandulars usually). Start with two glandulars/day for a week, and use the above temperature test to determine if that is correct for you.

Dr Phil Bate is the inventor of the new (Patent Pending) Auditory Brain Wave Training system which does the same thing as EEG Biofeedback/neurofeedback - solving brain problems such as ADD/ADHD. Depression, Insomnia, etc. Dr Bate is a retired Orthomolecular Psychologist who helps people with free advice websites at:,,

Can't Lose Weight? Maybe You Have a Thyroid Disorder

A thyroid disorder called hypothyroidism means you have an underactive thyroid gland. If you have trouble losing weight no matter what you do, it could be because you are hypothyroid. There are almost 30 million Americans with thyroid disease and women are 7 times more likely than men to have it. Hypothyroid is the most common thyroid disorder and often misdiagnosed by doctors.

You may get this because it is inherited, or because of previous problems, such as nodules, goiter, thyroid cancer, previous thyroid surgery, another autoimmune disease.

This is a condition where the thyroid gland, a small butterfly shaped organ located at the base of the neck, does not produce enough hormone to function properly.

What happens is that it takes in iodine, combines it with tyrosine (an amino acid) and converts it into the hormones T4 and T3. If your thyroid is normal, 80% will be T4 and 20% T3. These hormones travel through the bloodstream, converting oxygen and calories into energy. If this process doesn't work properly, then the calories and oxygen cannot convert the energy properly and you may gain weight or incapability to lose weight.

The symptoms can include : weight gain, depression, forgetfulness, fatigue, hoarseness, high cholesterol, constipation, feeling cold, hair loss, dry skin, low sex drive, tingling hands or feet, irregular periods, infertility. You may even experience recurrent pregnancy loss, resistant high cholesterol, difficult menopause, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, carpal tunnel syndrome, or mitral valve prolapse.

Do you feel sluggish and fatigued on a regular basis, or do you get bouts of depression and sadness? Are you always feeling cold, especially your hands and feet, or do you have brittle nails? These are just some of the possible signs of the disease. There may be other causes, but at least this may give you a clue as to why you do not feel well. Check with your doctor in all cases to be sure.

When your metabolism doesn't work right because you have this disorder, you may find that there's no amount of dieting or exercise that takes the weight off. You may in fact put on extra pounds, even though you are doing just what you are supposed to.

What can you do ? Meet with your doctor and ask if you need a thyroid examination and blood test. These likely will be a TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) blood test, along with T4, T3, Free T4 and Free T3 tests.

A drug called levothyroxine (often called Levo-T, Levoxyl, Synthroid, Unithroid) may be prescribed for you. It is usually inexpensive, has minimal side effects, and has uniform potency. However, all thyroid hormone replacement therapies, whether natural or synthetic, have the ability to restore thyroid hormone levels.

Supplements that contain the following might also help :

-L-Tyrosine - is one of the amino acids that your body needs to make thyroid hormones. It is included in some weight control products because it works to stimulate your metabolism. It's also an element in helping your brain operate more efficiently which makes you feel better.

-Guglipid - an extract from the Indian guggal tree, may improve thyroid function and assist in controlling your weight. Scientists are finding that guglipid lowers bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol, and thus can help somewhat to prevent heart disease.

There is always hope and lots of help out there for you. If you suspect that you have this condition and you are not sure what to do, talk to your physician for guidance and advice.

Ken Black is a freelance writer on Health related subjects. Visit for more information about hypothyroidism.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Depression and Thyroid Hormones

If you are tired or depressed much of the time, your doctor should order blood tests for the two thyroid hormones called T3 and T4 and for the brain hormones called TSH and prolactin. If your TSH is high and your prolactin is normal, you are probably hypothyroid and need to take thyroid hormone to give you more energy and prevent heart and blood vessel damage.

Doctors treat people with low thyroid function with thyroid pills called T4 (Levothroid, one brand name is Synthroid). Many doctors think that a person needs only T4 because the thyroid gland makes T4 and then it is converted to T3 in other tissues. However, some people become depressed when they take just T4 and their depression can be cured when they take both thyroid hormones, T3 and T4.

When a depressed patient comes to me and is taking thyroid hormone, T4, I immediately order a blood test called TSH to check if he or she is getting the correct dose. If the TSH is normal, I reduce the dose of T4 by 50% and add a very low dose of T3 (brand name, Cytomel) because it safer to prescribe too low a dose, rather than too high a dose. Overdoses cause shakiness, irritability, irregular heart beats, clots, and osteoporosis. The patient returns in one month for a blood test, TSH, to see if the total thyroid dose is correct. If the TSH is too high, the thyroid dose is too low and I raise the T3 (Cytomel) dose by 5 to 10 m5 each month until the TSH is normal. Then once a year I check TSH blood levels to make sure that the person's requirements for thyroid hormone are being met.

For example, the usual replacement dose for low thyroid function is 100 micrograms per day. If a depressed patient has a normal TSH, I reduce the T4 dose to 50 mcg/day and add 5 mcg of T3 per day. One month later, if the TSH blood is still too high I raise the T3 dose to 10 or 20 mcg and continue to increase the T3 level each month until the TSH is normal.

Exciting research shows that the thyroid hormone called T3 can help treat depression. Psychotherapy often fails to control depression. Sigmund Freud, the father of psychotherapy, proposed theories about depression, that many psychiatrists do not accept because his writings were his opinions and not presented as scientific data supported by controlled experiments. The dominant theory today is that depression is caused by low brain levels of the neurotransmitters, serotonin and norepinephrine.

The drugs such as Paxil, Prozac and Zoloft that treat depression are supposed to raise brain levels of these neurotransmitters. Doctors can also raise brain levels of serotonin by prescribing pills containing T3, a hormone produced by peripheral tissue from T4, which is produced by the thyroid gland. They also prescribe T3 by itself or together with antidepressants. Depression is common among people who have too much or too little thyroid hormone. Doctors usually treat low thyroid function with T4 also known as Levothroid and many people become even more depressed. They treat this depression by prescribing T3 as well as T4.

Try to balance T3 and T4 so you will not be taking too much thyroid and harm yourself. 1)If you now take 100 mcg of Levothroid (T4): 2) Lower T4 (Levothroid) to 50 mcg and add Cytomel (T3) 5 mcg each day. 3) One month later, have your doctor draw blood for TSH. 4) If it is normal, you are on the correct dose and should get blood tests TSH once a year. 5) If TSH is too high, increase Cytomel to 10 mcg and hold Levothroid at 50. 6) Draw monthly TSH until it is normal. Keep on raising Cytomel by 5 mcg until TSH is normal.

Dr. Gabe Mirkin has been a radio talk show host for 25 years and practicing physician for more than 40 years; he is board certified in four specialties, including sports medicine. Read or listen to hundreds of his fitness and health reports at

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Journal references on depression and thyroid hormones

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Don't Overlook Getting A Bone Density Test!

Doesn't it seem that lately doctors have increased their recommendation for medical tests? Well, there's a good and bad to this story. I always believed it's better to be safe than sorry. A doctor with good diagnostic skills will also suggest taking additional tests to detect unseen medical problems. Of course there's always a few who like to add revenue to their bottom line.

But for the most part screening tests are important medical tools. Starting in your 30s, your doctor will begin checking your cholesterol levels regularly. Then in your 40s, if you're a woman, your doctor will recommend regular mammograms. And if your man into your 40s, I'm sure your have a routine prostate check up. And when you reach your 50's, your doctor will start keeping a closer eye on the health of your colon.

There are many tests done to ensure you stay healthy but have you had your bone density checked lately? If you are 65 or over, a test of your bone density is also important. It can help you recognize a problem with your bones early on, and that can help you take steps to keep your bones strong.

A Simple, Painless Test

When taking a bone density measurement, you doctor will use x-rays to measure the mineral density of a segment of bone. The doctor looks to see if enough calcium and other minerals are in that segment of bone to ensure strong, healthy bones.

Usually a bone density test is taken of the bones that are most likely to become thin and break easily. The lumbar vertebrae of the lower spine, the upper section of the femur, and the bones of the forearm and wrist are the most common places for a bone density test.

The test is fast and easy. You don't have do anything to prepare for it. And the test is completely painless. In fact, it has become common for pharmacies and health fairs to offer bone density screening. In other words, there's no reason not to have your bone density checked.

When you complete a bone density test, your doctor (or the person doing the test) will give you your results in the form of a T-score. If your T-score is above -1 then your bones are normal, healthy, and strong. If your score is between -1 and -2.5, then your bones are beginning to thin and you are at risk of osteoporosis. A score lower than -2.5 indicates that you already have osteoporosis.

When You Should Have an Early Bone Density Test

The standard guideline for when to get your first bone density test is age 65. However, there are circumstances in which I recommend that you get a bone density test at age 60 or even earlier. This is when you have known risk factors for osteoporosis.

Early intervention-often through diet and exercise-can help slow down or even prevent bone loss. Early detection of osteoporosis is also important-knowing your condition will make it easier for you to take steps to prevent fractures.

If you have any of the following risk factors, please get an early bone density test:

  • Family history of osteoporosis

  • Personal history of fractures

  • A body weight under 127 pounds

  • Early menopause

  • Thyriod disease requiring treatment with Synthroid or other thyroid replacement hormones
  • Rheumatoid arthritis requiring treatment with glucocorticoid drugs

  • Osteoporosis can be a potentially devastating, even life-threatening disease. By getting a bone density test at the right time, you help make sure your bones stay healthy and strong for a lifetime.

    Mark Bromson M.D.

    Saturday, June 28, 2008


    In the United States, more than 20% of the women in menopause are diagnosed with hypothyroidism - a sluggish thyroid. Women need to understand the consequences of menopause on the thyroid, as with the increase in age, more women are affected by hypothyroidism. Menopause and hypothyroidism have common symptoms, such as depressed mood, decreased energy and decreased memory, among others. Often these symptoms are taken to be due to menopause, leading to delayed diagnosis of hypothyroidism.

    Hormones in women's bodies are balanced delicately and hormonal imbalance occurs during pregnancy, peri-menopause, and menopause. In the time leading up to menopause, the clockwork menstrual cycles may begin to become erratic. This could be because of highs and lows in estrogen and progesterone.

    Hypothyroidism, which is seven times more often associated with women than with men, also occurs because of hormonal imbalance. Certain doctors feel that estrogen dominance - excess of estrogen combined with low progesterone - typically occurs in early peri-menopause. They feel restricting estrogen dominance prevents complications in peri-menopause, including hypothyroidism. In fact, estrogen is required to be counterbalanced with progesterone to avoid hypothyroidism.

    Treatment Options of Hypothyroidism

    Hypothyroidism - the under-active thyroid is primarily due to the underproduction of the thyroid's main hormone - Thyroxine (T4). This hormone has to be converted to the active thyroid - the Triiodothyronine (T3), by the liver. Then only it can be effectively utilized by the body. Different practitioners have their own ways of tackling hypothyroidism.

    Most prescribe Synthroid, Levoxyl or Levothyroxine - the synthetic T4 - for hypothyroidism. This is fine, if women are capable of converting this T4 into T3. For others, who are poor converters, Cytomel - a synthetic T3 - is prescribed to covert their low T3.

    Many women do not believe in synthetic hormones for treating their hypothyroidism, and relieve their symptoms with nutrition, exercise, stress-relieving techniques and such natural treatments. Rich nutrition is the basis of hormonal balance. Rich nutrition should consists of:

    - Multivitamins and/or minerals

    - Essential fatty acids

    - Calcium and/or magnesium

    Such essential nutrients, when supplementing a healthy eating plan, support the body's endocrine, immune and other vital systems.

    Some doctors recommend using a progesterone cream for treatment of hypothyroidism. Progesterone, which is essential for building many of your body's most important hormones, is also vital in offsetting estrogen dominance, which is one of the most common conditions in peri-menopause and hypothyroidism. Application of progesterone cream gives an immediate relief to the symptoms of hypothyroidism.

    Women in menopause or peri-menopause are required to massage about half a teaspoon of progesterone cream into their hands and body. It is advisable to use twice daily for 21 days, to discontinue for 7 days, and repeat the procedure. The cream is required to be massaged on the thighs, stomach, inner arms, and the buttocks. It is recommended that you increase your water intake to avoid dehydration.

    Many doctors recommend against prolonged use of progesterone cream after menopause. Short-term use is recommended after menopause, especially when weaning off Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT).

    To learn exactly how to eliminate menopause symptoms visit

    To learn more about hypothyroidism and everything you need to know about other menopause symptoms, go to

    Thursday, June 26, 2008

    7 Little Known Facts About Thyroid Problems

    What's a common disease that over 5 million Americans suffer from

    and many may not even be aware they have it? Hypothyroidism and

    related forms of thyroid dysfunction!

    The thyroid gland looks like a little bow tie and is located at

    the base of the throat, below the Adam's apple in males. Thyroid

    dysfunction affects both males and females. This gland produces

    hormones which control the body's metabolism, your internal

    thermostat of sorts.

    Thyroid dysfunction is generally either an over or under

    production of the hormone. Under active thyroid hormone

    production is called hypothyroidism; whereas too much, or

    overactive thyroid hormone production is called hyperthyroidism.

    Some of the symptoms of hypothyroidism include chronic fatigue

    and weakness, weight gain or difficulty losing weight, hair loss

    or coarse, dry hair, dry and rough skin, intolerance to cold,

    abnormal menstrual cycles, decreased sex drive, memory loss,

    depression and irritability, constipation, muscle cramps. Not

    all symptoms are always present.

    Some doctors prefer to diagnose hypothyroidism with a blood test.

    They will test to check TSH levels (the thyroid stimulating

    hormone produced by the pituitary gland) and T4 levels (the main

    thyroid hormone). Other doctors prefer to take a more holistic

    approach and are able to diagnose based on symptoms. Morning

    body temperature readings (below 97.1 consistently) as well as

    discovery of regular waking up approximately four hours after

    going to bed, can aid in the diagnosis.

    There are chemical, synthetic treatments that can be used to

    restore healthy thyroid functions, such as Synthroid and


    Some doctors and sufferers prefer to use a form of natural

    thyroid hormone extracted from swine and cows. Yup, pig thyroid!

    It's the closest to the human thyroid hormone and contains both

    T4 and T3 thyroid hormones.

    Naturopaths have long recognized that there are very effective

    herbs that can help to promote healthy thyroid functioning and

    restore thyroid health.

    Armour, a natural thyroid is available by prescription. T-100 is

    another brand of natural thyroid that can be obtained through

    holistic processionals. Regular use of natural thyroid can help

    to restore deficient iodine levels, while also stimulating the

    thyroid to produce crucial thyroid hormones, thereby treating


    Bladder wrack or kelp, Licorice, Saw Palmetto and Ginger (root)

    have also been known to stimulate the thyroid to release thyroid

    hormones and is therefore beneficial in the treatment of


    If you're not comfortable taking synthetic medications, give

    natural thyroid a chance. It's the closest match to human

    thyroid and can leave you feeling worlds better. Even natural

    supplements need to be under the care of your physician. Please

    do not self medicate.

    The information contained in this article is for educational purposes

    only and is not intended to medically diagnose, treat or cure any

    disease. Consult a health care practitioner before beginning any

    health care program.

    Emily Clark is editor at Lifestyle Health News and Medical Health News where you can find the most up-to-date advice and information on many medical, health and lifestyle topics.

    Wednesday, June 25, 2008

    Hair Loss: Nebraska Housewife Accidentally Discovers a Natural Secret to Hair Regrowth

    Are there natural methods that really work to stop hair loss and regrow hair? My friend Myra had given up hope- until she stumbled on a little-known "hair vitamin" that is making a dramatic difference in her hair loss and health. I asked Myra to tell her story in her own words. . .


    I've always been very healthy, but about 15 years ago I started losing my beautiful thick and natural hair. My doctors determined that I had low thyroid and gave me Synthroid. I took this drug as prescribed for 12 years, and continue it to this day.

    Thyroid Drug was No Help

    Despite my hopes, my hair did not grow back in all that time. In fact, it continued to get thinner and thinner, until my scalp was very visible all across the front of my head, and back almost to the crown. My doctor offered no solution. He and my beautician told me that the hair would never grow back.

    Feeling Hopeless and Ashamed

    At the age of 72, I had pretty much accepted the fact that I was partially bald and would remain that way for the rest of my life. I felt hopeless, and ashamed of the way I looked. About the same time I caught West Nile Virus, and nearly died. It's the kind of illness that takes a very long time to get over. Many people who have had it experience continued bouts of fatigue or paralysis. I was a lucky one. My illness left me with only extreme fatigue and muscle weakness.

    The Curious Apple Cure

    One day my neighbor gave me some natural capsules containing apple nutrients in a concentrated form. I was so weak and tired much of the time, and I was willing to try anything. Taking only two capsules a day, my energy level returned to normal. The muscle weakness also vanished in a short time. I began sleeping soundly at night, and within a couple of months I felt wonderful.

    Unexpected Hair Regrowth

    Most astonishing of all, after about a year on the apple capsules my hair started growing back. At first, it was hard to believe. I certainly didn't expect it. But as the months went by, it became clear that my hair really was getting thicker. Now, when I look in the mirror, I don't see my scalp. I see my own beautiful hair again. And lately, the new growth is even starting to come in dark- my natural brunette color.

    An Incredible Difference

    I feel really lucky that I found something to help my pain, fatigue and recovery from illness. And I never expected to see my hair growing back. This product has made an incredible difference in my life, and I'm thrilled to share with everyone the wonderful changes that have happened to me since taking this apple supplement. I'll never stop taking it!


    Katrina Kern is a medical research analyst, author, women's health counselor and former practicing nurse. For more information about this exciting natural hair loss nutrient, go to

    Hair Loss Thyroid Problems

    There are numerous reasons why a person would start to lose their hair even at a young age. One reason is that there are hormonal changes occurring in their body, another is because they are eating the wrong kinds of foods. For some the reason can be that they are under extreme amounts of either mental or physical stress. Whilst the other reason could be that they have some medical condition. One such condition that seems to have a connection with hair loss is thyroid glands not working properly.

    Below we look at the way in which a person's malfunctioning thyroid gland can affect how a person's hair grows. Also in this article, we look at what one can do in order to tackle hair loss problems associated with this kind of medical condition.

    If a person has hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism then the chances of them suffering from premature hair loss is greatly increased. This is because both of these medical conditions work in such a way that they slow down and in some cases halt the process that allows hair regrowth.

    What these particular medical conditions will do when working incorrectly the thyroid gland actually forces the hair follicles to remain in the dormant phase of the growth process. When this occurs it will lead to new hair growing not being allowed and will eventually lead to the person actually losing their hair.

    However, there are a number of things a person can do which will help them tackle this problem should they suffer from it. Below we offer a number of tips, which can help you tackle this kind of hair loss problem.

    Tip 1 - It is important that the first step you should take is to obtain the right diagnosis for your condition. Just because you are losing your hair does not necessarily mean you have a thyroid problem. So seek the assistance of a good dermatologist, hair loss expert, or a doctor who deals in hair loss issues.

    Tip 2 - If you do have a problem with your thyroid gland and are needing to take medication to treat it, then check what side effects if any are associated with it. Drugs like Synthroid, which are used by many for any kind of thyroid problem, is noted for causing hair loss in some people. Also seek your doctor's advice as soon as possible, they may not realize that this drug and others like it cause such problems and could well suggest an alternative form of treatment.

    Above we have given you an explanation as to why hair loss and thyroid problems are associated and what you could do in order to prevent your problems from getting any worse.

    Do not Delay in learning more about how to regrow your hair naturally, Reviews of Natural hair loss solutions

    Visit Hair Loss Thyroid For more info on hair loss. I have found this great site dealing with hair loss,, I found this to be an excellent resource for learning more about hair loss.